Organizational Change & Innovation - Management Pertemuan 9

Here we will talk about :

1.) The nature of change in organization
2.) Types & Models change
3.) Organizational Development
4.) Promoting innovation within the organization
5.) The Threat of change 

Lets start now !

The nature of change in organization
Here there are some Supertrends shaping the future of bussines :

1.) The market place is becoming more segmented & Moving toward Niche products.
2.) More Competitors are offering targeted products, requiring faster speed-to-market.
3.) Some traditional companies may not survive radical change
4.) China, India & Other offshore suppliers are changing the way we work .
5.) Knowledge not information is becoming the new competitive advantage

That are some Supertrends ! Done with that now we talk about :

Two types of change 
Reactive change : making changes in response to problems or opportunities as they arise. For example there are fire on your bed , you will ask all of your family to put the fire down Or call the fire fighter to reduce the size of the fire.

Proactive change : We can call it also by the planned change, involves making carefully thought-out changes in anticipation of possible or expected problems opportunities.

The forces for change 
Forces Originating Outside the Organization :
Demographic Characteristic :
For example the people who born after 1980 must have a difference views of life with their parents .

Technological Advancements : Technology is not only about the computer , it is any machine that help or process that enables an organization to gain a competitive advantage in changing materials used to produce a finished product.

Shareholder, Customer, & Market change : I think i don't need to explained it more , because you already understand why the shareholder , customer & market change can forces for change.

Social & Politic Pressures

Forces Origaniting Inside the organization :
Human resources concern : Job dissatisfication as expressed through high absenteeism and turnover can be major signal of the need for change .

Managers behavior : Excessive conflict between managers and employees is another indicator that change is needed.

Types & Models of Change : 

Here , we will talk about some things :
- Three Kinds Of Change.
- Lewin's Change Model.
- Kotter's Eight Steps for leading organizational change.

Tree Kind Of Change
Here mean From least threatening to most threatening .This tree kind of change depends on the 1) The Degree of complexity , cost and uncertainty and 2) its potential for generating employee resistance. There are 3 point that important here ! lets check it now !

Least Threatening : Adaptive Change 
Adaptive change is reintroduction of a familiar practice this just something like "We've seen stuff like this before" . For example your restaurant open from 07.00AM until 08.00PM but because of the new year your restaurant open from 07.00AM until 10.00PM .

Somewhat Threatening : Innovative Change 
Innovative Change is the introduction of a practice that is new in the organizations this just something like "This is something new for this company" . For example your restaurant open from 07.00AM until 06.00PM . Because there is new restaurant in front of your restaurant and that restaurant open until 09.00PM you try to fight your competitors and try to open your restaurant until 10.00PM .

Very Threatening : Radically Innovate Change
Radically innovate change involves introducing a practice that is new to the industry this just somethin like "This is a Brand-new thing in our industry". For example all the department store using the E-Money.

Lewin's Change Model Most theories of organizational change originated with the landmark work of social psychologist Kurt Lewin . Here we will learn 3 point :

Unfreezing : Creating Motivation to change Here the manager should share the motivation to change to their employee , of course to make it easier the change should based on the employees dissatisfied.

Changing : Learning New Ways of Doing Things Here the manager must give the employees tools to change that can be new information, new perspective, new models of behavior

Refreshing : Making the ways normal 
Here employee need to be helped to integrate the changed of attitudes and behavior into their normal ways of doing things.

Kotter's Eight Steps for leading Organizational ChangeJohn Kotter believes that, to be successful, organizational change needs to follow eight steps to avoid the eight common errors senior management usually commits.

Step 1-4 Show us the Unfreezing!
Step 5-7 Show us the Changing Stage!
Step 8 Show us Refreshing!

Organizational Development Organizational Development (OD) is a set of techniques for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective. The person who do the organizational development called as the Change Agent a consultant with a background in behavioral sciences who can catalyst in helping organizations deal with old problems in new ways.

What Can OD Be Used For ?
1.) Managing Conflict : Here usually OD take place as the executive coach that will be brought in to help advise an executive on how to improve relations between each others in the company.
2.) Revitalizing Organizations : Technology of information make all the companies behavior change , in this case OD can help by opening communications, fostering innovation & Dealing with stress
3.) Adapting to mergers : Mergers and acquisition make anxiety, stress, absenteeism, turnover, & decreased the productivity

How OD Works ?
1.) Diagnosis (What is the problems):Find the true reason , why the problems can be happens. We can find it through the questionnaires, surveys, interviews, meetings, records, & Direct observation.
2.) Intervention (What shall we do about it) : These steps used to correct the diagnose problems.
3.) Evaluation (How well has the intervention work) : Its just something similiar like the our spy.


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