Production Function - Pengantar Bisnis pertemuan 3

First we need to know what is Production ? Easily you can say that production is create item but is that real  ? So, Production is all the things or activity that you do to added more value to the item by using all the factor that you have.

 Here there are 4 Utility of Production That you need to know :

1.) Form Utility : Change the shape of the item itself to the new shape in the way to add up more value , For the example you create table & Chair from the rotan (Wood) .
2.) Time Utility : Change the value of the item by the time for the example today you buy a land as 1 Billion next year when you want to sell it the price will be 3 Billion .
3.) Place Utility : Change the value because of the position of place, Here we focus on the transport. For the example the difference price between local orange with international orange . the international orange is more expensive because there are transportation expense that make the value of that item increase.
4.) Owner Utility : Change the value because of the Movement from 1 owner to the other owner. (IDK what is the example of this)

After You know that now we will learn 6 Production based on the Characteristic Process !

1.) Exractive Process : Production that use the nature directly when do the process for the example rice, vegetable and fruits that is all directly come from the nature it self .
2.) Fabrication Process : Production that change the row material into the new one that have more value inside it . For the example Like from the wood into the chair,  table , and the other . Or from the iron into the sword or alumunium become a panci ?
3.) Analytic Process : Production that change row material into the new one that still have similar shape or characteristic with the row material. For the example from the rice into the fried rice .
4.) Synthetic Process : Production that change row material into the new difference form cause of the change physic or in chemical .
5.) Assembly Process : Production that happend / finish by combine a lot of component item . For the example the Computer , Computer have difference Chip , monitor , vga and so far and so on .
6.) Administrative Process : How you to change or create or process the information that you have for the company itself.

Yep thats all

There are 2 kind of the production itself :

1. Continues Production : The production that create their item or product over and over again in every time for the example like chitato, buah vita, Ultramilk and the other big food/ drink company in these company the amount of demand doesn't have any effect to the production .

2. Intermitten Production : The production that create their item or product based on the demand from the consumer . For the example is the Birthday cake store, they will not create their cake everyday with the same amount, they will create their product in time that product has been ordered by the consumer.

In production we should focus on the Incremental cost that affected by :

1.) Labour turn over Cost
2.) Carrying Cost
3.) Over time premium Cost
4.) Subcontracting Cost

The main factor that effect the area of the production :

1.) Availability Of The Resources
2.) The cost of machine capacity
3.) Availability Of The Labor
4.) The rule of the goverment

Now we must learn about the: Production Location .
In production we must beware from this one , because the location can determine your cost that will determine the value or the price of your product therefore you must set your goal.
There are company that place their production location in the area of the raw material . There also company that create their production location near the society to make them easier to deliver their product to the distributor or the consumer it self .

Some factor that used to determine the location of the production :
1. Resources
2. Labor
3. Distance between the location and the consumer

And the last we will learn about the Production Control .Here , there are some steps to do the production control !

1. Planning  : Set what production goals that you want to achieve .
2. Routing : Create step of the processing the row material into the material step by step .
3. Scheduling : Create the death line in every single steps that we need.
4. Dispatching : Tell your worker to work
5. Follow up : Reminder

Summarize :

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