Human Resources Management - Management Pertemuan 8

There are some point that we gonna learn !

1.) Human Resource Management
2.) Recruitment and selection
3.) Managing an effective workforce
4.) Orientation , Training, & development
5.) Performance Apraisal

Oke Point number 1 Human Resource Management !

so Human Resource (HR) Management consist of the activities managers perform to plan for , attract, develop, and retrain an effective workforce. here there are somethings that you should to know :

Human resource as part of strategic planning : Why can be like this ? because Human is the most important things assets in the company , that's why that can be happened .  This is the example process of strategic planning on the human resources .

Human Capital 
you should know first about the Human Capital , What is that ? Human capital is the economic or productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and action.The more high capital that employee have that mean the more valuable. And usually the people who have high human capital are hard to find and easiest to lose .

Knowledge Worker
A knowledge worker is someone whose occupation is principally concerned with generating or interpreting in formation, as opposed to manual labour.

Social Capital 
Social capital is the economics or productive potential of strong, trusting, and cooperative relationships. This things is important in the Human resource , the more high social capital in the company , the more employee loyalty there and also the more cooperative between one employee to the other employee .

oke done with Human Resource Management , Now let us talk about the other else : Planning The Human Resources Needed. in here there are 2 point that so important , watch out !

1.) Understanding Current Employees needs
To understanding current employees need you must use this tools :

 Job analyse : Determine by observation and analysis the basic elements of job . Specialist who do this interview should now / specialize / master on the areas that they want to interview .
Job description : Summarize what the holder of the job does and how and why he or she does it . Job description must have job specification : Describes the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform the job succesfully

2.) Predicting Future Employees needs
Before you do predicting future employees needs you must understand about this 2 point :

The staffing the organization might need : You should predict the position in the employees that will be empty in the future. So from today you should prepare your self to find your new employees that will fill that empty one . You can find/ do selection based on your company vision, mission, and the company strategic planning .

The likely sources for staffing : There are 2 kind of types sources in the case you want to recruit your employees there are inside and outside .

        Inside : Do selection inside your company trough Human Resource Inventory which is a reporting listing your organization's employees by name, education, training, languages, and any other information .
        Outside : You can easly do the recruitment outside your company , of course using the Job analyse and job description to create the minimum criteria to all of the people that want to join your company .

 Thats it about the Human Resources !

Now jump to the new level : Recruitment & Selection!
Recruiting is the process of locating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in the organization . there are two kind of types in the recruitment : Internal & Exsternal ,  here you also learn RJP

Internal recruiting : this means making people already employed by the organization aware of jobs opening . We can do this interenal recruiting through the Job posting (placing information about job vacancies and qualification on bulletin boards, in newsletters, and on the organization's intranet)
Exsternal recruiting : this means attracting job applicants from outside the organization

now the question is "Which is the best ?" you can find your answer below :

now what is RJP ? RJP is  Realistic Job Previews . in RJP we should gives  a candidate a picture of both positive and negative features of the job and the organization before he or she is hired .

Thats all about recruiting !

Now we talk about Selection . Selection Process is the screening of job applicants to hire the best candidate. Here you will know 3 tools that used for the selection !

1.) Background information : Application form , Resumes & Reference Checks 
2.) Interviewing : there are 3 important point (read below)
    a)Unstructured interview :
 involves asking probing questions to find out what the applicant is like. There is no fixed set of question asked here and also no systematic scoring procedure .
    b)Structured interview : involves asking each applicant the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized of answers. in structured interview there are 2 type : Situational & Behavioral-description . Situational : interview focus on hypothetical situtations , Behavioral-description : interview explores what applicants have actually done in the past .
3.) Employment Test : there are 3 important point (read below)
    a) Ability test :
 measure physical abilities , strength, and stamina, mechanical ability, mental abilites, and clerical abilites.
    b) Performance test :  measure performance on actual job tasks-so-called job tryouts- some company also have an assessment center , in which management candidates participate in activites for a few days while being assessed by evaluators.
    c) Personality test : measure such personality traits as adjustment, energy, sociability, independence, and need for achievment
    d) Integrity test : assess attitudes and experiences related to a person's honestly, dependanbility, trustworthiness, reliability, and prosocial behavior.
4.) Other test : the test like drug test, lie detector test, physicopat test maybe or something else.
5.) Reliability & Validity :
    a) Reliability :
 The degree to which a test measures the same thing consistently .
    b) Validiy : The test measures what it purports to measure and is free of bias .

Now we will talk about Compentation . 
compentation have 3 part that you should know !

1. Wages or salaries : Both of that are Base pay , which is consists the basic wage or salaries paid employees in exchange for doing their jobs.
2. Incentives : Things that can increase the employees productivication such as commissions, bonuses, profit-sharing, plans, and stock options.
3. Benefits : are additional nonmonetary forms of compensation designed to enrich the lives of all employees in the organization, which are paid all by the company itself such as health insurance, dental insurance, holidays off, disability protection, accumulated sick days, vacation days, and so far and so on .
Done with compasation no we talk about Orientation, training & development.

Here we try to helping newcomers learn the ropes, here we try to make the newcomers can fit smoothly in to the job and the organizations. This 2 things you should do in the orientation :
- Helping new employees feel comfortable in the first six month.
- The desirable characteristics of orientation:
              a) The job routine: Employees needs to have learned what is required in the job.
              b) The organization’s mission and operations.
              c) The organization’s work rules and employee benefits.

Training & Development
Of course we should do this to help the newcomers can perform their work better!
Training: Upgrading skills of technical and operational employees. So here we educating technical and operational employees in how to better do their current jobs. 
Development: Upgrading skills of professional and managers. Here we educating professionals and managers in the skills they need to do their jobs in the future. 

The type of training & development.
If people want to learn facts: such as work rules or legal matters lectures, videotapes, are effective
If people want to learn skills: such as improving interpersonal relations or using new tools then techniques such as discussion, role playing, and practice work better.

You also can categorize training methods from on-the-job training & off-the-job training.

On-the-job training: training that takes the place in the work setting while employees are performing job-related task. Easily we can said this is like training, you learn by action not only theory but also do the “Praktek”
Off-the-job training : training that consists of classroom programs, videotapes, workbooks, and the like . 

Now i will tell you about Performance Management In Human Resource : 

Two kinds of performance Appraisal : Objective & Subjective.

A performance Appraisal or performance review consist of  assessing an employee's performance and providing him or her with feedback.

And now we talk about Objective & Subjective !

Objective Appraisal , also called results appraisals are based on facts and are often numerical . There are two good reason for having objective appraisal :
1.) They measure results : Here if we managers we only can count about the results ! we can't measure them from their behavior or something else.
2.) They are harder to challenge legally : Hard to employee fight or challenge on legal grounds such as, age, gender, colour of your skin because all the thing measured by the results

Subjective Appraisal, are based on managers perception the 2 things :
1.) Trait appraisals : we do the ratings in the subjective attribute such as attitude, initiative, and leadership .
2.) Behavioral appraisals : measure specific observable aspect performance being on time for work, for instance,

done with two kinds of performance appraisal now we go to the  :
Who Should Make the appraisal ? 

Peers. Subordinates, Customers & Self.
360-Degree Assessment : Appraisal by everybody.
Forced ranking : Granding on curves

Effective Performance Feedback
To increase the employees performance, usually the managers use this two things :
        1. Formal appraisals : are conducted at specific through out the year and are based on performance measures that have been established in advance .
        2. Informal appraisals : are conducted on an scheduled basis and consist of less rigorous indications of employee performance

Managing Promotions, Transfers, Disciplining, & Dismissals.
Promotion : Moving Upward
These means moving an employee to a higher level position , is the most obvious way to recognize the person's superior performance. We should concern on these 3 things :

Fairness : It's important that promotion be fair. there is no promotion because of money relations or the other else. Its pure about the performance.

Nondiscrimination : The promotion cannot discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or physical ability.

Other's resentments : We should think about the people who support the person that you choose.

Transfer : Moving Sideways
Transfer is movement of an employee to a different job but have a similar responsibility. We do this based on 4 principals reasons : 1) To solve organizational problems by using their skill at another ,  2) To broaden their experience in being assigned to a different position, 3) to retain their interest and motivation by being presented with a new challenge, & 4) to solve some employee problems such as personal differences with their bosses.

Disciplining & Demotion : The threat of moving downward This is the things that use , to improve the employees performance. The employee that don't diligent , discipline and good performance can be demoted ! 

Dismissal : Moving Out of the Organization
There are 3 things here :

Layoff : The phrase being laid off tends to suggest that a person has been dismissed temporarily. Example for the rice makers , we moving out them when there are big strom happens. then when everything is back good we can invite them again .

Downsizings : is permanent dismissals there is no reinvite or rehiring later.

Firings : We can kick out the employee if they do something wrong in our company. Or because they break you company rule on our contract in the first.

The legal requirments of human resource management 

Important laws are come from here :

Labour Relations
Compensation & Benefits
Healthy & Safety
Equal Employment Opportunity

you can read the rule here :

Workplace Discrimination, affirmative action, sexual

Workplace Discrimination
This problems occurs when people are hired or promoted , or denied hiring or promotion for reasons not relevant to the job . Here there are 2 impact :
1.) Adverse impact : that occurs when an organization uses an employment practice or procedure that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class (such as Hispanics) over another group of people (such as non-hispanic white)
2.) Disperate treatment : results when employees from protected groups (such as disabled individual) are intentionally treated differently.

Affirmative Action
Focuses on achieving equality of opportunity within an organization.

Sexual harassment 
Consist of unwanted sexual attention that creates an adverse work environment

Is repeated mistreatment of one or more persons by one or more perpetrators it is abusive physical, psychological, verbal, or non verbal behavior that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating.

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