Before we start you need to remember our last topic about : Area Of HR & HR function ! (Click Here)
And after you remember it , you will learn this 4 kind of topics :
1. Strategic HRM
2. Theoritical Perspective Of Strategic HRM
3. HR (Workforce) Planning
4. Succession Planning
Okay lets we start it !
1. Strategic HRM
What is that ? That mean how we can achieve and defense our company characteristic (Characteristic that give our company advantage) and that characteristic can make our company difference than the others company . So here there are 3 point that you must remember :
a. Strategy is the creation of a unique & Valuable position
So the company have their unique & valuable position it can be Few needs , many customers or it can be Broad needs, Few customers or it can be broad needs or many customers.
b. Strategy Requires Trade-offs in competing
This mean you can't do all of your strategy because human or us not GOD. We have time that is not eternal. So usually we can't do everything in the same time. that's why we must think which is the most important strategy that we must use and where is not . "Good strategy in the right time"
c. Strategy involves creating a "Fit" among activities
This mean you can't do all of your strategy because human or us not GOD. We have time that is not eternal. So usually we can't do everything in the same time. that's why we must think which is the most important strategy that we must use and where is not . "Good strategy in the right time"
c. Strategy involves creating a "Fit" among activities
Do you remember those picture ? Lol i guess some of you already miss it !
So to refresh your brain you can read again about the strategic management that we learn in semester 1 on introduction of management ! CLICK HERE TO GO !
So to refresh your brain you can read again about the strategic management that we learn in semester 1 on introduction of management ! CLICK HERE TO GO !
So the new one that we talk here is about response strategy , This kind of strategy is about how you can treat your customers with the nice and fast treatment and maintain your company relation to them .
Oh ya Strategy involves creating fit in among activities mean all of your strategy must be linked 1 with each others as well . For the example :
You use low-cost strategy in your business witch is restaurant , so you can't recruit the professional / expert chef because that is too expensive and also you can't use a high cost materials. You must use standard chef who you can pay cheap and also you must use a low cost materials to your foods to achieve your strategy which is low cost strategy . that is the meaning of strategy involves creating fit among activities.
The others things that you need to know are HR strategy & HR approach
1. HR Strategy :

Oh ya Strategy involves creating fit in among activities mean all of your strategy must be linked 1 with each others as well . For the example :
You use low-cost strategy in your business witch is restaurant , so you can't recruit the professional / expert chef because that is too expensive and also you can't use a high cost materials. You must use standard chef who you can pay cheap and also you must use a low cost materials to your foods to achieve your strategy which is low cost strategy . that is the meaning of strategy involves creating fit among activities.
The others things that you need to know are HR strategy & HR approach
1. HR Strategy :

A. Separation Approach
Here the organisational strategy and HR Strategy is not walk together , they walk different. HR use the the best strategy that they think and the company thin the best strategy that they think. So HR & Company strategy is not related each others .
B. Fit ApproachHere the organisational strategy take the control off the HR strategy . The HR will follow all the rule that has been created by the organisational. Simply strategy between organizational & HR is related but the organisational rule it .
C. Dialogue
Same like Fit approach the different is , here the HR strategy can also give advice to the company for the strategy but still the controller or have a authority to set the strategy is the organisation.
Here both of organisation & HR have the same authority to set the strategy , they work together to make the best strategy for their company .
E. HR driven
The reverse (kebalikan) from the Dialogue Approach. So here The HR take the authority/control to make the strategy. The Organisation only can give advice but it don't have any power to change the strategy that has been created/ chosen by the HR.
2. Theoretical Perspective
There are 3 kind of theoretical perspective , first is universalist, second fit or contingency, third combination between Universalist & Fit contingency, & Resource based.
Lets talk it one by one :
1. Universalist.
The best practice approach to managing people is based on Universalist principles that assume some HRM practices are appropriate for all organizations. According to this there is a universal
prescription or ‘one best way’ or a general pattern that can be adopted by various
organizations to manage their people, without considering organizations circumstances.
2. Fit / Contingency.
here you learn 3 things : External fit, Internal fit, Cultural fit.
External Fit : Means that your HR strategy must be fit with external environment of organization (For the example society, nature, customers) and also the other functions of business (Operation, marketing, finance)
Internal Fit : Means that your HR strategy must be fit with HR functions.
Cultural Fit : Means your HR strategy must be fit with the culture, either inside or outside the organization.
3. Resource Based.
- Promotion of sustained competitive advantage through the development of human capital such as Developing skill, knowledge, attitudes, and competencies that are unique and cannot be copied or substituted .
- HR must meet four criteria :
a. Valuable
b. Rarity
c. Inimitable
d. Non-substitutable
3. HR (Workforce) Planning.
Planning is available at the staffing !
Hr (Workforce) Planning is systematic process of matching the internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization (Demand) over a specified period of time.
4. Sucession Planning The process of ensuring that qualified persons are available to assume key managerial positions once the positions are vacant..
Planning is available at the staffing !
Hr (Workforce) Planning is systematic process of matching the internal and external supply of people with job openings anticipated in the organization (Demand) over a specified period of time.
4. Sucession Planning The process of ensuring that qualified persons are available to assume key managerial positions once the positions are vacant..