Introduction To HRM - Human Resource Management

Hello guys ! so today we gonna learn about the Introduction to HRM. This is the main point that you gonna learn here :

1. Definition & Function
2. HR as a Strategic Business Partner
3. HRM environment
4. Corporate and country's Culture
5. HRM Profession and competencies

Definition & Function
Definition HRM :
The use of individuals to achieve organizational goals or objectives . So in  Human resource management we try to manage people as the person who will build our company together with us. Difference with personnel that see the human as a tools of company, HRM perspective see their human as a human that need to be develop.

Function :

(This picture was taken from Mr agus rahyuda powerpoint)

So that's all the function of the HRM , quite a lot right ? let's talk it one by one guys !

Is the process started from make Planning Human Resources needed through understanding current employees (Make Job analyse & Job description) & Predicting Future Employees then go to the Recruitment , Selection . You can find out more about that in our other posting at HERE <Just Click that. 

Employee And Labor Relation : For employee we try to manage relation between one persons to the other one persons. It can be from the directors to the employees or from employees to the other employees. Labor relation is more kinda like our relation the the Union of labor for easier that analogy with our faculty to our BPM (Badan Perwakilan Mahasiswa)

Performance Management : this function related to management function which is controlling , so here as the manager you must create or make clear criteria all in here we said it as "Key Performance Indicators" so from this Key Indicators you can give a mark to your employees for your evaluation. Whenever your system need to be repaired , good  or your employees is need to be change.

Human Resource Development : As we said before , here we do the training & development. Training to make our employees learn how to do something and development we do to make our employees know how those things can be like that.

Compensation : Here in HRM we know 3 types of the compensation

1. Direct Financial Reward : Incentive, Wage, Salaries & Bonuses
2. Indirect Financial Reward : Scholarship, Pension money, health care money, and the others
3. Psychology Reward : Job satisfaction , Happiness & Emotional Exhausted

Safety & Health : This you gonna learn in the others chapter! so relax ! LOL

Who Perform it ? 

- HRM Professional : The People who expert in the HRM things
- Line Managers : The people who have power to rule the employees & HRM
- HR Outsourcing (HRO) : Rent other company to take care our HRM, there are 2 kind of HRO :
         1. Discrete Service Outsourcing : Take care one area in HRM in our company
         2. Business Process Outsourcing : Take care all area in HRM in our company
- HR Shared Service Centers (SSC)
- Professional Employer Organization(PEO)

HR as a Strategic Business Partner

1. Focusing on matters that are truly important to the company as a whole
2. Understanding the business issues
3. Integrating the goals of HR with the goals of the organization
4. Using human capital for value creation

HRM Environment 

This picture was taken from Mr agoes rahyuda :
 Operation Management take the left area on the picture :
 Then marketing take the right place in the customers :
 Finance take the bottom side :
 HRM ? where they take their places ?
 They not part of this picture but they needed by the all part on the picture, can u understand it ?

Corporate and country's culture
Corporate Culture : System shared values, beliefs, and habits within organization that interacts with the formal structure to produce behavioral norms

Country's Culture : Set of values , symbols, beliefs, languages, and norms that guide human behavior within the country .

HRM Profession & Competencies

Profession :
Competencies : 

That's all man ! thank you !
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