Introduce Of Statistics - Statistika Pertemuan 1

Definition Of Statistics. 

So before we start ! you need to know what is the meaning of "Statistics" Words .
So statistic come from latin language that have meaning as nation or same with state . So on that time statistics mean some thing that explain things through numbers and so important for nation.

But how about today ? is that still the same with the past ? the answer is NO
Today statistics have a definition as the collection of data through numbers that can explain somethings . So that is the definition in the short words.

Widely statistic mean the things that learn the method to collect, organization of data, presentation, analyze, & interpretation.

Step In The Process of Statistic Method.

1. Collection Data
You can collect data through 2 way that are census & sampling .

Census , on this way you must collect the data by research all the part that became the object of the research of it self. In the simple way we can said census is record the population. This cencus need big time and big cost when you try to do it because it research the big population.

Sampling , on this way you must collect the data  by research only the small part from the population. To get more accurate and representative data you must choose your sample randomly. This way can reduce the cost time and energy but deficiency that is the data is not representative,

2. Organization of data
Here , we will transform the data that we collect before to the visual form to make the other people can read it easily. In here there are 3 steps which are first is edit , second is classification and, third is tabulation data

Edit : Check the data, to know that data is right or wrong.
Classification : Put the data based on the character of data
Tabulation : Classification data that determined by form of rows & columns

3. Presentation
Here we promulgate the data through the visual to make that data can be readable by the people who needed. We can make it in many form as table , graph, & diagram.

4. Analyze Data
Here from the presentation we must see all of the data to make us know all of the data and make the summarize of it .

5. Interpretation Data
Repair the summarize that we got from the analyze , to reduce the negative things or point from it .

Descriptive Statistic & Inferensia Statistic.

Descriptive Statistic : This statistic show us how we explain some or more characteristic in some data.
Inferensia Statistic : This statistic give us rule & method that can we use to create our own predict or make the summarize of that data.

Function of the statistics.

So just let this begin my friends !

1. To help the economics peoples see and make conclusion on some economics problems.
2. To help the economics peoples follow and understand on the some problems.
3. To help the economics peoples  make their report regular, concise & clear.
4. To help the economics peoples know is that one problems related to the other problems
5. To help the economics peoples predict the things that will be happens in the future of course based on the data and the analyze.

Data, Population, & sample.

Data is the things the collection of the information, event or something else that can be show by the numbers or non numbers. Based on the text before Data have 2 type. First is Quantitative is the data that have a form as number and the second is Qualitative which is the data that not form as a numbers.

Population is the form of all the element that used for the research objective.

Sample is the small part of population.

Classification Of Data On Statistic

Based on the way you get the data

1. Primer Data : You get this data directly from the research object itself.

2. Seconder Data : You get this data indirectly from other parties.

Based on the time you collect the data 

1. Immediately Data (Cross Section Data) :Is the data that collected at a certain time that can show the characteristic of the object at that time.
2. Time Series Data : Is the data that collected from time to time and show the development on some object research .

Based on the characteristic

1. Discrete Data : Is data that the unit is not in the form of integers and fractions.
2. Continue Data : Is data that the unit that have form of integers and fractions.

Based on the source

1. Intern Data : Data that collected from the intern institution
2. External Data : Data that collected from the out institution

Based on the measurement

1. Nominal Data
2. Ordinal Data
3. Interval Data
4. Ratio Data


Presentation Of Statistic 

1. Single Classification Table

2. Double Classification Table

3. Contingency Table

4. Frequency / Distribution Table

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