Management Theory - Management Pertemuan 2

Hello friends , Now i will write about the Management Theory , So please read it carefully , seriously and also dont forget to understanding it.

Ok , there are a lot of theory in management but overall , Management Theori is divided into 2 big perspecitve theory there are Historical Perspective and Contemporary perspective .

Historical Perspectvie : This perspective will discuss and talk more about Individual .
Contemporary Perspective : This perspective will discuss and talk more about the organization not the individual .

Historical Perspective have 3 viewpoint inside it .
There are :

1.) Classical Viewpoint (How to make peoples can doing something efficiently)
2.) Behavioral Viewpoint (How to understand individual behavior)
3.) Quantitative Viewpoint (Understand individual behavior throught numbers)

Now  we will discuss more about these 3 points.

1.) Classical Viewpoint
Like i said , in the classical viewpoint we will focus on managing 1 individual to make him / her can do somethings more efficiently . In the classical viewpoint divided by 2 methods , there are Scientific Management and Administrative Management .
a) Scientific management , these method focus on improve the individual productivity.
In scientific there are 2 theory.

First theory is motion study by frederick W.taylor. in this theory frederick said we should train our worker one by one to use their own best methods to achieve the efficiently while working. More efficient workers earned higher wages.

Second theory is Industrial Engineering by Frank and Lillian Gilberth. This theory is based on motion study theory , In the motion theory we should train people one by one . That will be easy if you just train 6 people or less . How about the big organization ? that have more than 100 peoples ? Frank and Lillian Gilberth believe that would be so tired . So they make a new idea to record film of good workers at their work place , and show it to the other workers. I can said this look like train video in youtube . You dont need to teach 1 by 1 people , but you can easily record your self at the video and upload it to youtube then people can see you on it .

b.) Administrative Management, these method focus on managing the total organization .
Here there are also 2 theory.

First theory is The Function Of Management by Henry Fayol. This is the first theory which discuss and systematize about the four principles of managament that are the major function of management. There are Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling .

Second Theory is The Rationality Of Bureaucracy by Max Weber. In this theory max weber told us five positive things of Bureaucracy there are : 1. A well-defined hierarchy of authorythy (Lupa ini apa yang inget comment ya) , 2. Formal rules and procedures (Aturan dan Prosedur yang jelas), 3. A Clear division of labor (Pembagian kerja yang jelas) , 4.Impersonality , 5. Careers based on merit (Pekerjaan ditentukan oleh prestasi) .

Thats all about Classical Viewpoint , now we will jump to the next viewpoint .

2.) Behavioral Viewpoint
Here we will discuss about individual behavior. In Behavioral Viewpoint there are 3 big group of theory there are Early Behaviorism, Human Relations Movement and Behavioral Science .

a) Early Behaviorism , I can't understand about this one, hope you can exsplain me in indonesian language at the comment , so i will not give you any exsplanation about this :

b) Human Relations Movement .

First is Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs
This one picture explain all about Human Relations Movement . The simple explaination is like this . The good workers should do the self actualization for make their doing job well , u can see it at the top of pyramids , We can't reach the self actualization if we don't have esteem right ? and the esteem is reached by love/belonging . Love / belonging will be happens if the worker feel safety . Worker will feel safety after their needed was fulfilled.

Second is Theory X vs. Y by Douglas McGregor

Theory X represents a pessimistic (negative view of workers) and Theory Y represents optimistic (positive view of workers), You can see this theory happens arround of you.  I'll give you  the example , Imagine im is your leader , you made a mistake that not bring me a management book but you brought a accountan book . If i where the X type , i will say "You such an idiot , why you not bring me the management book ? You can't doing job well ? even this job is easy ? Oh my god you are such as mada**kar". And if i where the Y type , i will say "That's no problem , All you need to do is make your list that will make you always remember what you should bring, next time please dont do it again.

c) Behavioral Science
This behavioral science is to complexs for me , so because im lazy to search this material  at google you can search it by your self . 4 point that important at this behavioral science are : 1. Psychology , 2. Sociology , 3. Anthropology , 4. Economics.

3.) Quantitative Viewpoint
Hmm , this viewpoint is like put numbers in your behavior. There is two theory here :

1. Management Science (Operation research , use math to solve problem)
2. Operating Management (focuse on managing the production and delivery product)

Contemporary Perspective have 3 viewpoint inside it , there are :

1.) System viewpoint : how we to increase quality of our system to achieve our company goal
2.) Contingency viewpoint : management is not eternal , management is idea that should be develop by invoation from the manager itself.
3.) Quality management viewpoint : create the high quality product and keep continue that in the way to protect the suistanbility of the company itself.

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