Introduction To Management - Manajemen pertemuan 1 (Lecture : Agoes G. Rahyuda)

WHAT IS MANAGEMENT ? The simple answer from that question is "getting things done , trough people" Things here mean "task oriented" and Done here mean "achievement oriented". (menyelesaikan sesuatu pekerjan , melaui orang lain. sesuatu disini berarti list tugas-tugas yang ingin diselesaikan , dan menyelesaikan disini berarti tujuan yang akan kita capai)

MANAGEMENT defined in complex is science that use for pursuit of organization goals efficiently and effectively by intergrating the work of people through planing, organizing, leading and controling the organization resources . (manajemen di definisikan secara kompleks adalah ilmu yang digunakan untuk mengejar tujuan dari suatu organisasi secara efisien dan efektif dengan cara menyatukan orang-orang melalui perencanaan, pengaturan, kepemimpinan , dan oengendalian dalam sumber daya yang ada di organisasi tersebut)

EFFICIENTLY mean use Try to minimize resource use to create a great product.
EFFECTIVE  mean use All of resource to create a great product as planned before, and right on target.

Now we jump to

1. Planning : Set goals and decide how to achieve them .
2. Organizing : arrange tasks, people and other resources to accomplish the work .
3. Leading : Motivate , direct and otherwise influence people to work hard to achieve the organization's goals.
4. Controlling : Monitor performance , compare it with goals and take corrective action as needed .

After that 4 principal functions we will learn about 

Levels and areas of management .
Look the picture please :

as you can see from this picture , look this picture in vertical position you will see Levels of management that contain words like : Top managers, middle managers, first-line managers, and
nonmanagerial personnel.

Top managers is the person who create and do the 4 principle function to all his/or subordinates, People who set the organization goal or achievement and set the task to all his/her subordinates .

Middle managers is the person who help the Top managers , Middle managers Implementing top managers goal, strategy, task or anything else to their subordinates.
First Line managers is more like middle managers but have a small authority than middle managers. And cordinate to Nonmanagerial personnel / team leader. 

Nonmanagerial personnel or team leader are optional at this point , This figure are made for special purpose. For example there are independence day of Indonesia , we need people who have mastered skill on line of march (LKBB). so we doing selection and select them . After we select them now we will have team, this team need a leader . This leader is call Team leader or non managerial personnel .

Now look the picture in horizontal position you will see Functional areas , Here i will not talk about functional areas because this is optional. You can search at google about R&D , marketing, finance, production, and human resource. Not all of the organization use this functional areas . Let see our senior high school , there we cant find Marketing and that is doesn't matter. 

But functional areas are usefull to determine 2 type of manager .

1. GENERAL MANAGER : Manager who handle all of the functional areas (we can call him Boss of bosses)
2. FUNGSIONAL MANAGER : Manager who focus / only handle 1 functional areas .

For the example headmaster of ourschool are handdle all of the aspect at the school , that mean he/her handdle all of the functional areas at the school , so we can call him/her as general manager . Remember your senior high school ? They only handle 1 aspect or 1 science study at school that mean your teacher only handle 1 functional areas , so we can call your teacher as fungsional manager .
3 things u should have to doing 4 principal .

first is technical skills (more like operation , can u use computer, can u operate your smarthphone , Etc)
second is conceptual skillls (more like how smart are you to comunicate your idea and concept to other people)
third is Human skills  

After learn about manager now we will discuss about Types of organizations

1. For Profit organizations such as school that make money .
2. Non profit organizations such as university we can't get the provit or we can get profit but that profit cant be alocated to the owner but must be alocated to the development of organization.
3. Mutual benefit organizations such political party (based on volunteer) everyone can join political party, like BEM , CLUB , UKM and so far and so on.

and last we will little bit talk about enterpreneurship & Intrapreneurship

Enterpreneurship is the process of taking risks and try to create a new enterprise.
Intrapreneurship is the process to develop new idea and new product from the product that alreadty exist before .

Thats all for today , thankyou !

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