Planning - Management Pertemuan 5 (Lecture : Agoes G. Rahyuda)

What is inside planning ? we will talk a lot here !  hope you enjoy it !

First we need to know what is planning , Planning is setting goals and deciding how to achieve them.
Yap that is planning , so simple . Now beside the planning there is strategy . Strategy is a large-scale action plan that sets the direction for an organization .

Please remember that 2 things ! becasue that is much important for you .

After understand that 2 things , lets talk about the Strategic Management.
Strategic management is a process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and the implementation of strategies and strategic goals . (easly i say that we put strategy on the managers)

Planning , strategy and strategic management are related each other , here the steps or detail of that 3 things :

1. Establish the mission and vision .
2. Assess the current reality.
3. Formulate the grand strategy and strategic, tactical and operational plans.
4. Implement the strategy.
5. Maintain strategic control.

yeah , thats all ! Do you ever think ? Why planning is so important in management ?
The answer are :

1. Because the planning providing direction and momentum .
Direction here mean where your company will go , and momentum here is more like the "Things" that make you pushed when you do something . So if you don't have planning that mean you don't have any direction , And if you don't have any direction that make you don't have  any momentum to do or operate your company .

2. Encouraging New Ideas .
What do you think about this one ? yup ! simply if we have direction and momentum we will try to find New ideas and innovation to achieve our direction and do our momentum .

3. Developing A Sustainable Competitive Adventage.
These things only can be achieve if we stay ahead in four areas :
a) In being responsive to customers.
b) In innovating
c) In quality
d) In effectiveness

Thats it why planning is so important in management .

How to create planning ?
We will discuss that here !

1.) Create mission statement > 2) Create vision statement > 3) Create the strategic planning > 4) Create the tactical planning > 5) Create the operational planning

lets talk it one by one !

1. Mission is about what is our reason for being
2. Vision is about what do we want to become
3. Strategic Planning is the long terms (1- 5 years) goals that company should be achieve (created by the top managers)
4. Tactical Planning is the short terms (6-24 month) goals that company should achieve usually tactical planning is one step that you should do to achieve the Strategic Planning .
5. Operational Planning is accomplish spesific tasks with available .

For the example , i wanna be the president of indonesia to make my parents happy .

Mission : To make my parents happy
Vision : Be a president of indonesia
Strategic Planning  : 1.) Be the governor , 2)Win the pemilu of indonesia
Tactical Planning : 1.) Join politic group , 2)Be a good politician
Operational Planning : 1) Make a good track record , 2)Work for people , 3)Work honestly without corruption

That is the example LOL

There are 3  types of goals ! we can call goal as objective , is a spesific commitment to achieve a measurable result within a stated period of time . This is it !

Strategic goal : set by top managers and focus on objectives for the organitation
Tactical goal : set by middle lane managers and focus on the action needed to achieve strategic goals
Operational goal : set by first lane managers and are concerned with short-term matters associated with realizing tactical goal

Enough with types of goals , now we jump to the action plan & the operating plan

Action plan which defined the course of action needed to achieve the stated goal, such as marketing plan or sales plan .
Operating plan  which is typically designed for a one-year period, defines how you will conduct your business based on action plan .

Type of plans : Standing and Single-Use plans

Standing plans mean , plan that use for activities that occour repeatedly over a period time . Standing plan include with Policy (Outlines general respone to a designated problem or situation) , Procedure (Outlines response to particular problems circumstances) , Rule (Design for spesific action to run the policy easly we can said rule is about punishment for the policy itself)

Single-use plan , plan that use for activites not likely to be repeated in the future . These singgle-use plan include with Program (Encompasses a range of project or activities), Project (Has less scope and complexity than a program) .

Yap now after we have plans , the question is how to test that our plan is good or not ?
we cant test it throught SMART :

Spesific : Our plan must be spesific , we not to allowed to create the plan only in general so we should create it as spesific as we can .
Measurable: All the plant that we do should have the real number or can be countable ( dapat dihitung )
Attainable : That mean our plan should be realistic , base on the fact and can be achieve .
Results-Oriented : In your plan you should choose you wanna finish something , create something new or somethings else that follow your purpose of the company it self.

And the last , how to implement our plans ? easy , we can implement our plans through the MBO (Management by objectives) there are four step of it :

1. Managers and employees jointly set objectives for the employee
2. Managers develop action plans
3. Managers and employees periodically review the employee's performance
4. The managers makes a performance appraisal and rewards the employee according to results.

To make the MBO sucessfull , you should do this ! :

1. Top Management Must Be Committed
2. It Must Be Applied Organizationwide
3. Objective Must "Cascade"

Thats all the things that i can give to you ! thankyou my friends !

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