Ethics and moral - Pengantar Bisnis Pertemuan 2 (Lecture : Ibu Sutrisna)

Hello guys long time no see !

Hehehehe hell yeah , now we will little bit discuss about Ethics and moral . In ethics and moral we usually faces 3 things that are Business politics , information , and technology . And these 3 things make us faces the things called Ethical Dilemmas. (the bad things we should do to save our business) .
Ethics Definition .

Narrow View : Ethics is a morality Broad / Wideview : Ethics is science

Business Ethics Literature 
Macro : Economics sytem and ideology underlying . (Monopoly , oligopoly, free compition) not relevant for businesses.
Micro : Focus on business issues . (The basic concept is not visible) Orientation events not in indonesia .

Ethics from greek : Character, Habit, and Moral . and same like susila in sansekerta : Good Habit .

What is morality? 

Morality mean the value system of the quality of good and bad deeds .

Ethics as morality :
That mean value system , that is how humans should live well  as a human .
Ethics and morality are often used interchangeably but mean the same thing .

Ethics as science : 

Science it self mean "To know"
Science are systems of knowledge that are arranged according to certain principles to be an integral and obtained as a result of testing with a particular method .
Ethics is the science of morals

There are 3 part of ethics as science that are :

Descriptive ethics > Normative ethics > Methaethics 

Ethics as science requires people to behave rationally and critically
Freedom and responsibility are constituent  element of moral autonomy .

After that lets talk about norm in file , there are 2 type :

Special norm and  general norm ,

Special norm : Apply to particular environment
General norm : Generally applicable , forever and universal.

General norm such as Courtesy norm, law norm, and moral norm.

Thats all guys !

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