Strategic Management - Management Pertemuan 6 (Lecture : Agoes G. Rahyuda)

Hello guys long time no see ! Back again with me arie ! Now we will discuss about the strategic management .
Here we will learn about these 6 topics :

1.) Effective Strategy.
2.) Strategic-Management Process.
3.) Mission and Vision .
4.) Assessing the current reality.
5.) Formulating the grand strategy .
6.) Implementing & controlling strategy.

Okay start with effective strategy :

The most important thing at the effective strategy is Strategic Positioning . The strategic positioning is how about you to create your company difference, unique , and have it own characteristics beside their competitors . The part of the effective strategy :

1.) Strategy is creation of unique & valuable position (Like what i said before)
2.) Strategy requires trade-off in competing (we can't do all the strategy in the same times, some things we should sacrifice to achieve some goal)
3.) Strategy involves creating a "fit" among activities (Should be flexible and relevant , for the example if your company want to use low cost strategy , so you should use the low cost plane , low cost food or it can be no food in the plane . That mean the strategy involves creating  a "fit" among activities)

Then we talk about the Strategic Management Process .

1. Establish the mission and vision .
2. Access the current reality .
3. Formulate the grand strategy .
4. Implement the strategy .
5. Maintain strategic control .

Actually it the similar with planning, but the in the strategic management you do that 5 things not only create plan but do the action.

And third we meet again with Mission and Vision, i think i will not talk special, on this because i already write it here in !

Just to memorize Mission is your reason to become somethings , and vision is what you want to become .
And after you make Vision and Mission you should analyze it through many way , is that a good vision and mission or not . Here i give you some parameters to analyze your vision and mission :

Now we arrive at the point number 4 , that is Assesing the curent reality .
Simply we can say this as the evaluate our company , can we achieve our vision and misison or not ?
If it can, you should do it and if it can't, you should stop and change your vision and mission . 

So there is some way to do that :

1. Competitive intelligence
This mean you should gain information about your competitors activities, so you can anticipate their move or make some reaction to keep your company better than your competitiors . We can access our competitiors move through : Media , Investor information, informal sources, Public print and advertising . For example like mcd and kfc  always see what they each others do and try to compete each others.

2. Environmental scanning (Situational analysis)
Here we do the monitoring to our environmental include the internal and the exsternal through SWOT (Strength & Weakness use to analysis the internal organization environmental then there are Opportunity & Threats that use to analysis the external organization environmental) 

3. Forecasting
Forecasting is something like you guess your future or A vision that projecting of the future, of course with the great analysis . There are 2 analyisis we can use :

a) Trend analysis : Create the hypothetical exstension of a past series of event into the future .
b) Contingency planning : The creation of alternative hypothetical but equally likely future condition .
4. Benchmarking 
Benchmarking is more like Competitive intelligence but have big different between both of that . Competivie Intelligence is you find out your competitor and gain information in the way to make your company more success than your competitor , But in the Benchmarking we call the company that have a good track and achievement in our area of business and ask them to teach us , how us can to become like them , That is Benchmarking !

5. Porter's Five Competitive Forces
Here there are 5 point that is so important

a) Threat Of New Entrans : New competitors can affect an industry or your business for the example gojek are new company that give big effect to the bluebird company .

b) Bargaining Power Of Suppliers : Some Company can change their suppliers , some are not so you should give attention to this . Imagine yourself are the company you don't have any job and income so here your parents is your suppliers . They give you money everyday . Now imagine if they stop to give you any money , what will happen ? you will start to starving because you don't have any money to buy some food and some drink maybe and that will make you to concentrate when learn Management .

c) Bargaining Power Of Buyers : I think you understand about this , without buyers we can't do anythings because all of the revenue must be come from the buyers . So we should take care and pay much much attention to the this buyers .

d) Threat of substitute products or services  : You should think about this , First In your company you should think about your substitute product or services to avoid you from the loosing customers . For example you have tea business at the denpasar and one day bali faces the cricis of the sand sugar so you should find the substitue products to change this sand sugar you can use rock sugar maybe and something else. Second you also should think about the substitue products from your competitors , for the example if you have a sand sugar company , you should pay attention to the rock sugar company because they have the possibility to take some of your customers

e) Rivalry among competitors : This point avaible in the 4 point that i told you before . You should focus to your competitors.

That's all about the assessing current reality !

Now we will jump to the next that is Formulating The Grand Strategy .
At this moment we will discuss about 3 things that are much important : 1) Three Common Grand Strategies 2)Porter's Four Competitive Strategies 3)Single product strategy vs Diversification product strategy and the last 4)The BCG Matrix

Okay , lets us start from the Three Common Grand Strategies . Of course here there are 3 seriously point you should learn :

1. The Growth Strategy : Attack the market , try to expand our company reputation through chase the revenue, customer satisfaction , consumer satisfaction, improve the system and so far and so on.
Simply like you now go to the university you learn so hard in the chase you want to get the attention from the lectures (that's called Growth strategy)

2. The Stability Strategy : You want to stay at your position in the market , your company not do any significant action that give impact to the company itself .

3. The Defensive Strategy : You want to take back your position in the market that has been destroyed before . For example your boyfriend is angry now to gain their attention , you should do somethings like smiling , try to entertain him , or anything .

Then we talk about Porter's Four Competitive Strategies .
Here there are 4 point you need to learn here , Oke lets start !

1. Cost-Leadership Strategy : Keeping Costs & Prices Low for a wide market
Like the airasa , wingfood, aqua and the others . The company that sell their product / services with the lowest price than the others competitors.

2. Differentiation Strategy : Offering Unique & Superior value for a wide market
Like the garuda , Cleo, IPhone , Buahvita and the others . The company that sell their product / services that focuse on the quality and consumers satisfication .

3. Cost-Focus Strategy : Keeping cost & Price Low for a narrow market
Like the sidomuncul they sell drug to the sick people (The consumer has been targeted) and they sell in the low prices than the others drug.

4. Focused-Differentiation strategy : Offering Unique & Superior value
Like the lamborgini they sell expensive car (not all the people can buy it)

Yuhu now we discuss about Single product strategy versus Diversification Strategy .

1. Single product strategy : Sell only 1 product or focus in 1 product Like AQUA
2. Diversification strategy : Sell a lot of product like the Samsung Phone .

And finally : The BCG Matrix 

Its all about The market growth and  The market share :

Thats all i can share it to you ! hope you enjoy my material ! SEE YOU ! and thank you !

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