Manager's work environment & ethical responsibilites - Management pertemuan 3 (Lecture : Agoes G. Rahyuda)

Hallo guys , in this material we will talk about 5 think .

1.) Triple Bottom Line
2.) Community Of stakeholder
3.) Ethical Responsibilites
4.) Social Responsibilites
5.) Corporate governance

Oke lets go to the topic number one , Triple Bottom Line.

From the picture you can see, that is the goal of business based on triple bottom line . So we shoul do transforming. What we transform ? of course the row material in the way to create the product . We should created good product that can make that not destroy our planet such as ileggal cut tree and we must good reputation in the sociaty . After that two things achieve by your business/company you will get/gain more consumer ant that consumer will give you revenue . This revenue we should minus it with cost and we will get the profit . Just simply like that.

Then we will talk about the Commuunity Of Stakeholder .
The question is, what is stakeholder ? stakeholder is people who have entity or interest to your business or your company . This is the part of the stakeholder :


Internal Stakeholders : The people who give direct impact to your company/business daily
Exsternal Stakeholders : The people who give indirect impact to your company/business .

Employees : the people who work at your company
Owners : the people who own and work at the company
Board of director : the people who implement the owner goal and vision through the mission
Customers : the people who buy your product
Competitors : the company who have the similiar product with your company
Suppliers : the people who deliver row material to our company
Distributors : the people who deliver our product to the costumers
Allies : The relationship between one company or more in the way to gain mutual benefit from one to each other
Unions : The comunity that have the same profession usually are use to exchange some information
Lenders : The people who lend our capital or modal
Goverments : The people who run the policy in this country
Interest Group : The comunitty that care something in this world
Media : The comunity that have a job to publish news to our sociaty
Economic forces : Factors such as level of employment, rate of inflation, rate of interest, demographic changes, and fiscal and monetary policies, which determine the state of competitive environment in which a firm operates. These forces affect the outcome of the firm's marketing activities, by determining the volume and strength of demand for the its products.
Technological forcesThe influences that developments in technology have on consumers, business and society in general. Some positive technological forces include increased leisure time, improved communication and better management information systems, while some negatives might include increased unemployment and information abuse.
Socialculutral forces
A set of beliefs, customs, practices and behavior that exists within a population. International companies often include an examination of the socio-cultural environment prior to entering their target markets.

Demographic forcesThe demographic factors of the market in which an organization operates, and which are used to segment the target population for effective marketing. Socioeconomic characteristics of a population expressed statistically, such as age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, average size of a family, average age at marriage. A census is a collection of the demographic factors associated with every member of a population.
Legal forces : Powers and limitations that arise from legislation and interpretation of laws, and which impel or restrain individual or organizational activities.
Political forces : Parties, personalities, pressure groups that strongly influence the economic and political stability of a country through their actions and pronouncements.
International forces : Same like legal forces but in the case in global area .

Now we talk about Ethical responsibilites .
What is ethic ? ethic mean the standart of right or wrong that can influence behavior . Ethic is flexible it can be difference in any place, any time and any society.

Then in this life , we will face problem . So in economic we have  Ethical dillemas when we facing the probloem. Ethical dillemas is the situation which you should decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or even illegal .

So how we can to promote our ethic ?
There are 5 things that you can do , that are :

1.) Creating a strong ethical climate
2.) Screening prospective employees
3.) Instituting ethics codes and training program
4.) Rewarding ethical behavior

And last is about social responsibility management , you can learn it from this picture :

Thats all materi that i got in the class , Thankyou for your attention!
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