Bussines Row Material ! Q & A !

Internal environment is the things that impact your bussines directly and daily .
The internal environment are : Employees, Board of directors , the owners, the system management of that bussiness itself, their row material or resource, finnance, and of course the owners (In these case the owners must be working at his/her own bussiness)

External environment is the things that impact your bussines undirectly usualy External environment are came from outside our bussiness .
The external environment are : Suppliers, Customers, Distributors, Goverment, Sociaty, Competitor , Unions , Changes of the economy , Economy rule , Goverment policy , and so far and so on.

We talk about environment here not the stakeholders !

Moral responsibilty, are the things that coorporation must do as their duty. This moral responsibiliy have a direct impact to the operation of coorporation /bussines, so the coorportaion/ bussinessman must have give big attention to this moral responsibility in the way to make their coorporation going smoothly .

A lot of question come to me , Do shareholders including internal environment ? the answer is not . The shareholders are the peoples who put their money as the investation in some company. Shareholders not work at that company , they only put their money as investation and get revenue from their investation . So we can't say the shareholders are include at internal environment even they are owners . In somecase we can say that shareholders are internal environment if they work at the company as employee, and directors .

Every company has purpose , both economically and socially .
In my opinion , The economy purpose of the companies are to gain profit as much as possible not only for their company but also for their consumen of course that should be achieve by heed the business ethics .

And the social purpose of the companies are to create their businees / company look good in the eyes of the sociaty. We can say the company should make good reputation in the sociaty , more good the reputation of the company have in sociaty that mean more trust from the sociaty to that company which is can be their product or their services and this can increase the company deman directly .

Chart of companies based on the ownership :

Individual company , are the company that owned by 1 people . This company are not attract in any law or unincoorporated (tidak berbadan hukum), because this company only have 1 owner.
The strength : All of the profit take by the owner , the owner can easly rule their company as they want.
The weakness : All of the payable of the company are paid by the owner using their private assets , Hard to seperate between the owner private assets to the company because in these company thoose things are related one with each others . The company will end if the owner pass away and their childrent dont want to continue to run the company .

Limited Company , are the company that owned by more than 1 people . This company are related to the law incoorporated (berbadan hukum), this company have their own capital and that capital are not become one with the owner capital . The company capital can we said as the investment. The people who put their investment in the company can we call as the shareholders or the owners of that company . For some period the profit of the company will be splited and shared to the all of the owners of course based on their invesment value .
The strength : Low risk , because the owner don't need pay the company payable with their private asset this can be like this because the assets coorporation and the owners are difference (not become one) . Then the company can still run even the owners pass away , because in this company there are a lot of owners not only one , beside of that in this company we also can give / sell our investment to the other peoples that we want .
The weakness : Hard to get the licence from the goverment , The owner can't rule their company as they want because the owner should think about the other owners , usually oll of the owner doing the meeting berfore create a decission makin in the company.

The Function of management :
you can learn it here : http://maimelajahekonomi.blogspot.co.id/2016/09/introduction-to-management-manajemen.html The Function of the management are same with Four Principles Of the management ,

The function of the company :
Honestly , my lecture not teach me about this . So i dont know how to explain this . I only know the part of the function of the company . that is :

Relationship between the function of management with the function of the company is in every function of the company there is the function of management . For the example one the function of the company is Finance here you need to implement the function of the management wich is Planning, Organizing, Controling and leading . Not only at finance you should implement the function of the management but in all of the function of company .

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