Business Introduction - Pengantar Bisnis Pertemuan 1 (Lecture : Ibu Sutrisna)

Oke , now we learn about the business . First we should understand about the business itself.

Business is one of the economic activites that aim to make or create profit. So the main key you should remember here are profit .

Quality and business competitiveness is determined by the quality of the business environment as well as a proactive attitude towards the business environment.

There are 3 perpsective at business

1. Economic perspective
2. Moral perspective
3. Law perspective

Lets talk about economic perspective ,
In the Economic perspective , more high the profit that your business can create that mean more good business that you have . The main key here is 'Profit' .

Than we jump to Moral perspective
In the Moral perspective , business not only about the profit but also morally good business (based on the moral norms) . The main key here are not only profit and moral norms.

The last is Law perspective 
In the Law perspective , good business are the business that Law-abiding (That business should be followed all the rule avaible on their enviornment)

After you know about perspective , now you should learn about the
characteristic of business .

First, businesses have the knowledge, expertise, and specialized skills obtained through education, training and experience.

Secondly, there are moral rules and standards. Regulation is always there in every profession that determines how the profession is run.

Third, businesses needs to have special permission or a license to run a profession.

Fourth, provide service to the community. Profits must be paid as a logical consequence of a service to the community, and even participation in the welfare of society, is a good corporate image.

Now we learn about The paradigm shift from stockholders to stakeholders. Actually im not realy sure and understand about this one , so if you understand about this material please tell me in the comment .

In lecture material : Stockholders approach is a paradigm in which the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) oriented to the interests of shareholders. Management as mandate holders (agency) seeks to obtain the maximum profit for the welfare of shareholders (principals). In bahasa we can say : Pendekatan pemegang saham adalah paradigma di mana Chief Executive Officer (CEO) berorientasi pada kepentingan pemegang saham. Manajemen sebagai pemegang mandat (badan) berusaha untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal untuk kesejahteraan pemegang saham (prinsipal).
stockholders are the people who put their asset in our company as investment . This investment will be the capital of the business/company itself than the manager will use that capital to create product or service and the profit from that will be shared back to the stockholders based on how much investment that they put to the company .

In lecture material : This approach has the goal that the business should be run in such a way that the rights and interests of all relevant parties with a secured business activities, noted, and appreciated.
In bahasa we can say : Pendekatan ini memiliki tujuan bahwa bisnis harus dijalankan sedemikian rupa bahwa hak dan kepentingan semua pihak yang terkait dengan kegiatan bisnis yang aman, mencatat, dan dihargai.

Stakeholders are the people who have entity (kepentingan) to your business or your company .

Stakeholders from the power of their impact divided into 2 , Primary group and Secondary group.
Primary group : owners capital or stock, creditors, employees, suppliers, customers, distributors, and competition or partners

Secondary group : local goverment, foreign goverments, social groups, mass media, support groups, society in general, and the local comunity

About moral and socialy responsibilty

Simply moral responsibility are the decission and action from the company/business that have impact directly to the operational of the company / business itself . For the example : Protect the investment of the shareholders/stockholders , if you failed to protect their investment that will make the shareholders/stockholders feel bad and they will take back their investment from your company. That make the capital at your company decrease and that will ruin the operational of your company .

And about socially responsibility are the decission and action from the company/business that have impact undirectly to the operational of the company/business itself. For the example : Djarum company held the badminton championship , imagine if the djarum company don't held the badminton championship . What will happens ? theres nothing will be happens . Even djarum not held the badminton championship , Djarum company still can run normaly without any problem at their operational . 

Thats All Our matery! correct me if i wrong !

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