Job analysis - Human Resource Management Pertemuan 3

How are you today guys ? I hope your condition is good as always !
Today we will talk about job analysis guys !

There are 4 main things that we will discuss today :

1.) Its definition
2.) Job analysis methods
3.) Job description
4.) Job design concepts

So first we talk, Job Analysis Definition.
well do you know what is words "job" mean ? So job mean the combination of work , task, duty, responsibility in the way to performing something.

You can see in those picture  , that show you about the detail of the Job Analysis !
What is Job Description & what is Job specification.

Job Description : This is about what the job is it .
Job Specification : This is about who will fill the job.

For do the Job Analysis you need Information for those activity. So this is some type of information :

1.) Job's actual duties and responsibilities .
2.) Data
3.) Job-related tangibles and intangibles.
4.) Job standards
5.) Context
6.) Subjective skills required

So there are some job analysis methods to gain that information :
1.) Questionnaires
2.) Observation
3.) Interviews
4.) Employee Recording
5.) Combination of methods

Now we wil talk about Job Description , start with some content that must be available in job description !

The rule that you needed when you make the Job description :

The example of job description is :

Why the job specifications is in the job description ? Because both of it is related to each others.
Job specification explain you about the job and job description tell you who the people that can fill that position or that job. So to make it more effective & efficient a lot of company put both of it into 1 paper .

Finally we talk the last topic Job Design Concepts !

This is the process of determining the specific tasks to be performed, the methods used in performing these tasks, and how the job relates to other work in an organization
There are 4 job design :

1. Job enrichment : So in this you got more different job than before. example : You work as a security, but after 1 year you got new job witch is kitchen job. So you must do that both things every day ( Security & Kitchen)

2. Job enrichment : So in this your job is getting harder than before. example : Your job as a security is only lock the door at 10.00pm but in the next month your boss told you to do car clean wash too .

3. Job Rotation : Your job is security and your friends job is kitchen , you rotate it and become kitchen and your friends is become security.

4.  Re-Engineering : Analysis new system or easily we can said as "Reset and build the new one"

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